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Education of Leg Bands- more Black Market Bird sales exposed.
Let’s learn about leg bands together. After all every ethical law abiding NYS bird store must do this practice the same right? - wrong, some self proclaimed ethical bird stores in Rochester NY illegally band. Let’s learn how to spot the illegal bands- so you know the difference.

Birds sold in NYS MAY come from outside of the state; provided the bird is not on a protected species list this is perfectly acceptable - EXCEPT- not all states require leg bands.
New York State does, which means if you are buying a bird from a bird store in New York you should be expecting to find a proper leg band which includes all of the following:
A.) a seamless leg band with no breaks in the band
B.) initials of the breeder
C.) state initials of origin
This is one of the moments that we remind you that what we do here day in and day out is very unique. We ensure our birds are ALL legally leg banded and with all the ethical data a bird should come with. We further provide a hatch certificate for every bird that leaves our building with the only exception being consignment birds which don’t belong to us and are only here as a courtesy to their owners to help them find a new loving home for birds in need.
If the leg band ain’t like described above, it ain’t right! There was a small period of time where the largest leg band company in the country suddenly went out of business. They made it hard to source leg bands but many new options came to surface to make it inexcusable to do business any other way today.

The only way to stop this practice which promotes the trade of illegally sold birds is to report instances found to New York states DEC hotline.
See the difference for yourself now that you are out there shopping about. Advocate for those birds not wearing legal leg bands and report their abusers to the DEC to stop this practice. We strongly believe in the practice of properly running an ethical Avicultural facility, we want you to see the difference everywhere you look and we want to see more advocates for birds placed in precarious positions.
To report this information to you is very difficult for us to do. For years we have stayed silent as we noted issue after issue as they were presented to us, but it’s so obvious that people are not aware of the dangers this causes to individuals getting involved in deals. It further propetuates a serious injury to the world population of protected birds. It allows for unethically sourced bird practices to come to our city, which puts our flock at danger. We can’t have that, we are trusted to board and groom birds that don’t belong to us which has put our leadership in a buzz for the last few months. We have been placed in a position to make difficult decisions here in the name of protection. We don’t know how we are going to tell people we know that bought birds that are illegally banded elsewhere we can’t help them without putting ourself in a crappy position where we look like we are desparaging another company. That’s when it came to me, let me educate everyone ahead of time. I hope to share this information ahead of time with you to help you learn the importance of you advocating for yourselves. I hope that you know that the lack of a leg band properly created is a signal that there are deeper issues with the bird. Anyone who makes a band and does not include breeder initial and or state of origin is hiding something very important. My younger staff call it “shaddy practice”. Allow me to go one step further, I’m telling you it’s illegal and unethical practice and any true Aviculturist knows the difference of what they are doing when they are doing this and selling these birds to the public. Every day as a bird store owner we must wake up and assess what we are doing and feel good about it. We have to be able do so much more than care about these birds day in and day out, as store owners we must advocate for the generational growth of ethical practice in Aviculture. Like any business owner, temptations to do easy short cuts to make quicker easier profits exist but they are not always the right thing to do. Once educated as a business owner we have to help improve the standards of all by advocating for the highest standards and not allowing others to use our store as a vehicle to get birds that have no business being out there in the first place. This economy is tough- I suspect you will see more and more of this unless you step up and voice it to the proper authorities.